Bundesnetzwerktreffen Tanz ´24
Tanz ´24

Thue – Fri
Oct 24th & 25th
Closed event

In cooperation with the Dachverband Tanz, we will host a two-day network meeting for our festival as part of the TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund cultural policy dialogue, inviting projects from the nationwide funding program and representatives of the “Tanzförderung Stadt-Land-Bund” working group from local authorities, state ministries and the Commissioner for Culture and the Media to Erfurt to talk about strengthening the dance scene in Germany and sustainable funding.
In this way, we are focusing on the Erfurt and Thuringian dance scene in terms of cultural policy and networking.
Thüringer Thuringian State Secretary Tina Beer
Head of Cultural Affairs Dr. Tobias Knoblich
An event within the framework of the cultural policy dialogue of TANZPAKT Stadt-LandBund, sponsored by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Bureau Ritter and the Commissioner for Culture and Media
Further information on the activities of the working group “Tanzförderung Stadt-Land-Bund” can be found at: www.tanzpakt.de
Projects of the 3rd round of funding
- UNIque@dance/Netzwerk für mixed-abled Tanzausbildung, DIN A 13 tanzcompany, Köln
- INTER-ACTIONS – more than a dance company, Edan Gorlicki, Heidelberg
- anzinitiative Brandenburg, fabrik Potsdam
- Jefta van Dinther, Berlin
- GEBEN-NEHMEN-BRAUCHEN, Jenny Beyer, Hamburg
- Landerer&Company, Hannover
- tanz(t)räume, LUNA PARK, Berlin
- MACHBARSCHAFTEN, Sebastian Weber Dance Company, Leipzig
- Hebel für die Exzellenz, TanzFaktur, Köln
- tanz.nord, Stadt Bad Oldesloe
- Tanzhaus temporär, Tanzwerk Kassel
- TANZPAKT in residence, Villa Wigman für TANZ Dresden
Projects of the 1st and 2nd funding round
- JEDE MENGE, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft (AT) 2022–2024
- FREIRAUM, Ben J. Riepe Kompanie
- TanzWert, Tanztheater Erfurt
- Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum, Berlin
- Tanznetz Freiburg guG, nachhalitge Strukturen für den freien Tanz
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern tanzt an, Tanzregion Vorpommern
Previously funded projects
- Of Curious Nature/TanzRAUM Nord, Felix Landerer/Helge Letonja
- Gastgeberschaft, MOUVOIR/Stephanie Thiersch
- TANZPAKT Dresden, Amt für Kultur- und Denkmalschutz Dresden
- CircusDanceFestival Cologne, Overhead Project
- Nomadische Akademie, Anna Konjetzky
- TANZPAKT Kulturamt Stuttgart
- Making A Difference, sophiensaele, Berlin
- explore dance – Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum, fabrik moves