ARCHIVE – 2022

Romeo und Julia
Tanztheater Erfurt | Junior Company
Choreography: Ester Ambrosino
Music: Michael Krause
Photo: Anja Feßer
Romeo und Julia, two teenagers in love, are caught up in the conventions of feuding family clans in Verona. Against all odds, the young people secretly find each other, but escape the omnipresent hatred in the end only in desperate suicide – this is the story of this 400-year-old world bestseller.
Verona could be Erfurt or any other place – Ester Ambrosino and Michael Krause bring the newly told story artistically into the present day as a contemporary cinematic dance theatre.
Stage of tragedy – a round stage: the world in which we live. Staged by eleven international dancers, the actor Stefan Wey accompanies the audience through the touching, musically reinterpreted love drama.Constantly confronted with elemental feelings such as anger, hatred, grief, jealousy and conflicted reflections on violence or power, the actors in modern dance seek answers to timeless questions of lived love and of “coming closer” in our society.
Supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Gastspielfrederung Tanz, sponsored by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, as well as the Ministries of Culture and Arts of the Federal States.