ARCHIVE – 2022

My Body is Your Body
Choreography: Tim Behrens
Performance: Mijin Kim, Leonardo García, Leon Börgens
Music: Simon Bauer
Photo: Anja Feßer
In My Body is Your Body, a disparate trio of performers confront the audience with their own viewing, challenging our traditional views and relegating them to the ranks of the bi-frontal viewing arena: directly into the opposing benches, similar to that of the British Parliament.
Choreographer Tim Behren stages a trio of performers with the Cologne dancer Mijin Kim and the Brussels-based acrobat duo Leonardo Garcia and Leon Burgens. A mirror throws back what has been thrown in geometrically precisely. However, in the face of the mirrored gaze of our opposite, some of the seen reality appears as another. The supposedly objective suddenly becomes crazy in the eye of the viewer and opens subtle gaps. Others see something else.