ARCHIVE – 2018

Artistic Director, Dramaturgy: Phaedra Pisimisi
Choreography: Phaedra Pisimisi in Zusammenarbeit mit den Tänzern
Dance: Daniel Medeiros, Phaedra Pisimisi, Daniela Pisimisi, Diego de la Rosa, Avgoustinos Fytilis
Music: Ionnix (Ioannis Pisimisis)
Singing: Anastasia Hatzipavlou
Stage design: Hillel Ansky
Light design: ECHODRAMA Cultural Group, Philippe Waldecker
Sound Technic: Philippos Pantazopoulos , Philippe Waldecker
Sound Recording: Demis Bithas
Photos: Maksim Hartwig, Henrik Udnesseter
Art direction: Sevi Dimitriadou, Daniela Pisimisi
Management: Sevasti Dimitriadou
EROS-IROS is the current production of the Greek ECHODRAMA Cultural Group.
Based on the novel of the same name by Alexandros Papadiamantis, it revolves around the perennial theme of unfulfilled love. In the novel, Papadiamantis reflects on the social circumstances of his time. In his contemporary interpretation, ECHODRAMA Cultural Group shows how the social environment can influence true feelings through repression and manipulation. The choreography is accompanied by live percussion, singing and a narrator. The texts are derived from the novel template and enrich contemporary dance staging with a direct reference to traditional Greek culture.
ECHODRAMA Cultural Group, founded in 2006, is an association of international artists with many years of experience in the creation and performance of musical dance pieces. In terms of content, the creations are inspired by Greek history and tradition and implemented as “multi-shows” with dance, music, songs, narratives and projections. The music is composed by Yannis Pisimisis especially for the productions and plays them live with both traditional Greek and electronic instruments. This comprehensive multimedia approach is the artistic vision of the ECHODRAMA Cultural Group. Outstanding productions of recent years include “RHEI – EVERYTHING FLOWS” (inspired by Heraklit’s concept of constant becoming and changing), “THE CAVE” (a contemporary look at Plato’s cave parable), “APOLLO-AMATERASU: TRACING SUN” (in collaboration with the Japanese Embassy in Greece), “MEMORIES OF OLYMPIA” and “THE MURDERESS” (based on the novels of the same name by Alexandros Papadiamandis). ECHODRAMA members cooperate with Amnesty International and the Red Cross.