ARCHIVE – 2018

Alice im Wunderland
Tanztheater Erfurt / Junior Company
Choreography: Ester Ambrosino
Choreographic assistance: Daniela Backhaus, Daniel Medeiros
Music: Michael Krause
Projections: Dirk Rauscher
Costume: Veronica Bracaccini
Dressmaking: JBF – Erfurt Jugendberufsförderung
Stage assistance: Kai Siegel
Project coordination: Daniela Backhaus
Photo: Lutz Edelhoff
Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s book from 1865, is about a girl’s struggle against misunderstandings and her self-liberation from all the constraints of an unfree wonderland. The search for her own identity and the curiosity for self-determined action make Alice again a pioneering figure on the path to adolescence. At the same time, the story reveals unique forms of representation and creative movement through her insane visual language. Ester Ambrosino and her diverse Junior Company develop a choreography that expresses all facets of fantasy and nonsense, turning Alice into a complex and complex personality in which every child is reflected.
Together with the video artist Dirk Rauscher, Ester Ambrosino presents the interplay of dance and space. Using the means of digital imagery and spatial projections of visual and light art, they transform the stage into an aesthetically contemporary world of unimagined possibilities.