ARCHIVE – 2016

DE LooPERS „Dance2gether“ & Tanztheater Erfurt
Dance direction / choreography: Wilfried van Poppel & Amaya Lubeigt
Choreographic assistance: Daniela Backhaus / Jelena Albrecht
Photo: Claudia-Hoppens
“Everyone can dance!” This is the philosophy according to which DE LoopPERS, the Dutch-Spanish duo Wilfried van Poppel and Amaya Lubeigt, together with the community dance project with around a hundred enthusiastic Erfurts, including the Junior Company of the Tanztheater, makes the piece “VOYAGE-Onterweg” ready for the stage. Experimental, integrative and choreographic high-calibre, it brings people of all generations, different cultures, nationalities and personal circumstances together artistically and together to dance.
“Voyage” means “travel” – just come along! Time and again people leave, move from place to place and have different motivations. People want to be inspired by travel and other cultures, discover new worlds, not experience everyday situations. Often they are guided by dreams and desires, but also by reality. Sometimes people have to “move” because there is no other way. They are forced to leave everything behind, to flee, to find a new home – this is also a form of travel …
DE LoopERS, founded in 2003 by Wilfried van Poppel, creates professional dance theatre pieces with and for young people. On an artistic level, DE LoopERS produces dance movement theatre under professional conditions and is a place where dancers, choreographers, children, teenagers or adults can engage and experience different facets of dance and movement theatre.