ARCHIVE – 2010

Superstars – Solo & Souvenir
Dance and choreography: Magali Sander Fett
Video: Till Botterweck
Music: Lisa Germano
Choreography: Magali Sander Fett
Dance: Magali Sander Fett & Rita Aozane Bilibio
Video: Till Botterweck
Music: Rockers Hi-Fi – Cowpank Skank
“Superstars” – Television is a window to another reality in which people seem more important and special to us. In “Superstars”, Magali Sander Fett looks at human desires, weaknesses and difficulties as if through such a window. Through this view – accompanied by video sequences – she engages in a danced “duet with herself” and with her inner self.
“Superstars – Solo” is an excerpt from the piece “Superstars” in which Magali Sander Fett performs together with the actor Alexander Hauer.
“Souvenir” – The choreography is about “…the person of memory”, describes Magali Sander Fett, showing “…a flash of experiences. Some memories stay with us forever, others only reappear many years later, as if they were just yesterday. You look at an old black and white photo and the scene that was captured suddenly starts to move, is loud again, quiet, funny, sad…and lives again…”