ARCHIVE – 2010

E.T.E. – Extended Teenage Era
Choreography, dance: Samier Akika
Dance: Dawna Dryhorub, Gabrio Gabrielli, Julio C. Iglesias, Denis Kuhnert, Frederick Rohn, Lotte Rudhart, Christian Zacharas
The piece “E.T.E.” is dedicated to the young western generation, their self-doubt and confusion. In various biographies, memories, life plans and ideas for the future, the dancers and actors (self-) ironically portray the ambivalences of adulthood, desires and ideas of how to get a grip on life. In “Extended Teenage Era”, “life is a construction site”, in which the performers build their own stage space out of wooden panels, cardboard and adhesive tape. A fast-paced creative course develops in which acting and modern dance enter into an unusual combination with b-boying, popping and locking. Samir Akika’s top-class cast draws the audience into the production, impresses with the highest level of dance perfection and demonstrates what modern dance theater is capable of.